Notice of Privacy AMYI
Notice of Privacy of personal data for the associates of Asociación Mexicana de Yoga Iyengar A. C (AMYI)
To comply with what is considered in the Federal Law of Protection of personal data in possession of particular organizations, the Asociación Mexicana de Yoga Iyengar, A. C(AMYI), address Pestalozzi 584-1 col. Narvarte, C. P 03020, Benito Juárez, CDMX informs the existence of a compilation of personal data of its associates.
Purpose of the collected data.
AMYI will only use the personal data collected to mantain contact with the associates, in order to inform about the activities of AMYI related to promoting Iyengar Yoga, organization of certification exams, conventions, workshops and to publish the certified teachers in its website and in the Ramamani Iyengar Yoga Institute of Pune, India. As well to provide study materials relevant to the formation of teachers.
Also, this information will be used to call for general assembly, selection processes or for sending information related to the candidates and their proposals.
We inform you that the personal data asked to join the association are the following : name, date of birth, address, email, telephone number, as well as tax data in case an invoice is required by the associate.
Not sharing this date implies the impossibility of registration and to receive information about the products and services offered by AMYI.
The associates were informed of the conditions of the use of their personal data when they joined the association, therefore by filling the application their acceptance and consent of the use of this data was accepted.
Exactitude and veracity of the data
The veracity of the information given by the associate when filling the application to join, is responsability of the person filling the application, exonerating AMYI of any responsibility regarding this.
The associate guarantee the exactitude and veracity of the personal data shared, and complies to inform AMYI of any changes in order to keep the information valid.
The associate accepts to provide complete and correct information in the registration form.
AMYI is not responsible of the veracity of the information on that are not made by itself or those that come from a different source, therefore is not responsible for any damage caused by the use of this information.
AMYI is exonerated from any responsibility of damage caused to the associate as a result of mistakes, defects or omission in the information provided by AMYI as long as this information come from a different source.
AMYI will not reveal the associates data to a third party, in exception to the Ramamani Iyengar Yoga Institute (RIMYI) for the issue of certificates, publication of lists of certified teachers in its website, and for organizing intensive or regular classes for the associates.
AMYI could share the associates contact information to other associates when neccesary in order to comply with the objectives concerning this notice of Privacy. It will also share this information with those institutions that would help AMYI to reach its objectives, specifically those concerning the dissemination and study of Iyengar Yoga.
The associate understands and accepts that AMYI could send its personal data to a third party hired by AMYI in order to do in its representation tasks related to the administration of the server and accounting errands. These third parties could use the data to comply AMYI instructions, and decide about them to provide their services. In any case AMYI will choose service providers that are considered trustworthy and will establish by contract or any legal means, security measures to guarantee protection to your personal data.
The associates have access to their information during the ordinary course of the legal relationship with AMYI. Associates can correct the inaccurate or incomplete information. AMYI will provide these corrections free of charge.
Associates can access, rectify, cancel or oppose (ARCO) their personal data by a written communication directed to AMYI address.
The communication should contain:
1.Name and address or other means of contact,
2. Documents of accreditation identity, or the legal representation of the person
III. The clear and precise description of the personal data on which the above rights are to be exercised
1. Any other elements or documents that might ease locate the personal data.
The associate can revoke the consent given to AMYI to use its personal data for those non essential objectives of AMYI. For that, the above requirements are to be presented.
In case this communication is presented by someone different from the associate, a notarized letter should be presented, subscribed by two witnesses, and a simple copy of the ID of the associate and one of his legal representative.
A response will be given according to the articles 28-35 of the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data. This text can be consulted at
AMYI has set up all the security measures, administrative, technical and physical to its means to protect the provided information.
AMYI has adopted the needed security measures to protect personal data, controlling access to the personal information, restricted users security policies, users and passwords to avoid misuse, alteration, unauthorized access or stealth of personal data provided. Therefore AMYI is not responsible for any damage caused by interference, omissions, interruption, informatic viruses, telephone damage or disconnection in the operating system of the electronic system, caused by external causes.
AMYI is expressively entitled to eliminate unilaterally, without consent of the associate, the personal data when the relationship is finished, except for the following
The data collected will be kept by AMYI for a limited time, when a lawful disposition is required or when a registration of the associates and certified teachers is needed to monitor the development of Iyengar Yoga in Mexico.
AMYI can modify the present notice to adapt it to new laws or to technology. I’m such case AMYI will announce this changes by email, flyers, or any other means. The most recent version of this notice will be available at
Independently from the commitment of AMYI to responsibly and securely treat personal data, in terms of the present notice, we inform that:
For interpretation and execution of the above terms and conditions of security privacy and legality, the associate as well as AMYI will comply with the dispositions of the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data and in case of conflict they both accept to adhere to the jurisdiction of the competent tribunals at Mexico City, renouncing to the place of jurisdiction that could apply due to your present or future address, or by any other cause.
Mexico City, August 5 2019